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Getting Online

by Itzz Me

At the time of this blog being published, you would be accessing this post via itzzcode.github.io. You might notice in some places that domain itzz-me.xyz shows up. Why so? Well, I plan to serve this website at the latter domain, but as of now, it is more convinient to simply use the deafult github pages domain. Futhermore, I would have to purchase the domain so…

For those who are familiar with the GEORGE webring, you may notice that the main page currently has a “no” in red. This is due to the fact that GEORGE has http://truttle1.xyz/truttlecities/~Itzzy/MainStreet/ as my address, which you may notice isn’t this address.

UPDATE: This website is now my GEORGE site. Go check out the GEORGE, now!

Now I’m switching over to this website as it gives me more control so I can make the website cooler and that (Also truttlecities has been shutdown, and I cannot edit the page anymore). Thats it I guess.